Harry Smy

Recruitment Consultant

  1. +44 333 7000 020
  2. h.smy@sanctuarypersonnel.com
  3. LinkedIn Profile

As a data driven multi-tasker and self-confessed tea addict, Harry has a natural ability to connect the dots to match candidates to the right roles. His energy is quite infectious. Once, he even broke the Guinness World Record in 2012 for the longest on-air team radio broadcast lasting 76 hours.

Full of surprises, he appeared as a Forensic Science Expert in a BBC 1 Documentary series and worked in education for 10 years before joining Sanctuary. 

A likeable person, he cares deeply about changing people’s lives with the right job offers. As he often says, “every day is a learning day,” which is why he always looks for ways to improve the candidate journey. 

Thankful for what he has in life, Harry’s also passionate about helping those less fortunate, which is something his grandparents taught him. As an example of his compassion, during a holiday to Las Vegas, he volunteered for a charity to serve food to homeless people and is always quick to support the fundraising activities of his friends and colleagues. 

Harry Smy
Harry finds permanent social work jobs within children's services all over the UK for candidates based in the North West, North East, Wales, East Midlands, West Midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber, Lincolnshire, East Anglia and Scotland.