What do I need to bring to my OET exam?

By Gemma Raw

​You’ve booked your Occupational Education Test (OET). All the hard work you’ve put into improving your English language skills are about to be put to the test. How do you make sure you’re prepared and what must you take with you on the day?

What you need will depend on whether you’re taking the paper or computer-based OET test.

Book your OET exam.

If you’re taking the paper based test at one of the approved OET test sites across the UK, you will need to bring the following with you.

Valid Identification (ID)

The one thing you must not forget is your ID. This could be your passport, or a national government issued ID, but not a Driver’s License. Crucially, the ID that you used to book your OET test must be the same one that you bring with you on test day.


If you’re taking a paper-based OET test, you will need to take some stationery items along with you such as:

  • Pens and pencils (only non-mechanical ones are allowed)

  • Erasers

  • Pencil sharpeners

Please place your stationery in a clear plastic bag or clear pencil case so that the assessors can see what you’re taking into the exam.

It’s really important that you have a few pencils (ideally 2Bs) for the Listening and Reading sub-tests as these are assessed by computer.

Top tip: Bring an extra bag with you to hold all the items you are not allowed to bring in with you. This can be safely deposited within an allocated holdall area.


You can take a clear bottle of water into the room with you, which is a good idea as remaining hydrated will help you focus.

Top tip: Try and plan your meal times so that you won’t be too hungry during the test. If your test is in the morning, this may mean getting up earlier than usual to have a good breakfast.

What you’ll need to do when you arrive

All the information on when and where your test will take place will be on your OET test booking confirmation email. Make sure you either save a copy to your phone/tablet or print a copy off to take along with you. When you arrive, a member of staff will welcome you and take you to the cloakroom where you can deposit your belongings. You’ll go through to the official registration room where you’ll need to present your ID and have your photo taken. Next, you’ll be taken to a waiting room to wait for the test to start. Once you’re called through, your test will begin.

If you have any questions about the structure of the day and the rules, the OET staff are extremely helpful.

Good luck!

For more information about overseas worker requirements, read our collection of blogs.
